Birth: 18h February 1745/ Death: 5th march 1827 

Alessandro Volta was an Italian physicist who is best known for his contribution to the development of electric battery. He was born in 1745 and died in 1827.

 This invention of the electric battery was capable of bringing about revolutionary changes in science because it provided the first source of continuous current.

 This benevolent scientist is also regarded as one of the founders of the electric age.
 His parents sent him to the Jesuit school intending to make him a priest. But he realized that he had a different vocation.

 In 1775 Volta's interest in electricity led him to invent the electrophorus, a device used to generate static electricity.

 He became professor of physics at the Royal School of Como in 1774 and discovered and isolated methane gas in 1778.

 One year later he was appointed to the chair of physics at the University of Pavia .
He taught in the University of Pavia for 25 years. After that in 1800 he could make voltaic pile that could produce steady electric current. He then worked on to develop the electric bulb.

 For his work in the electric development he Was given a count by Napoleon. Emperor of Austria honored him naming him a professor of Philosophy at Padova.

 For his honor an electric unit 'Volt' was named after him.